A smarter way to moonlight

MoonDoc brings transparency to PRN staffing, empowering physicians and hospitals to match themselves


Find hospitals nearby and sign up for shifts for free, when you’re free—no locums agencies, more local choices

Earn extra income without disrupting your regular work schedule or personal life with relocation
Control your schedule with a few simple clicks
Plan your next few shifts before the end of rounds

How MoonDoc Works


List open shifts for free and build your bench of talented physicians to complement your FTEs so you’re never short-staffed.

Cast a wider net than locums agencies can—our technology makes it possible to find more talent
Streamline credentialing
Communicate directly with interested moonlighters
Prevent FTE burnout and improve retention

We’re on call for you, like you’re on call for your patients. Send us a note if you have questions or want to learn more.